1. All our handbags are made to order and hence, orders may take 15-20 business days to reach you. Once your order has been processed and shipped, you will receive an email confirming the same.
  2. Your shipping fee is complimentary.
  3. Additional validation may be required for some orders and can delay delivery. In such cases, the delivery dates would be communicated through email.
  4. To track your order, visit your shipping confirmation email or contact Customer Support by mailing at service@aranyani.com.
  5. Your order will be shipped to the delivery address specified by you during the order process. Kindly be present to receive the delivery. Aranyani is not responsible for any loss of the products following delivery at the address specified.
  6. If Aranyani is unable to meet a binding delivery deadline for unforeseeable reasons for which they are not responsible ("impossibility of delivery"), Aranyani shall inform the Customer of this without delay and specify a new delivery date.