
“Only by doing good can one benefit.”

-Rig Veda

Vedic Indian civilization has flourished for over 30,000 years. This rich heritage represents the co-existence of luxury and art. From that inspiration was born Aranyani, the luxury handbag brand, guided by the Vedic philosophies of S.A.I - Service, Awareness and Inclusivity.

Service is derived from the Vedic saying which translates into, “Treat Your Guest as God.” Aranyani’s business is focused on embodying this ideal to benefit all stakeholders - employees, customers, the community, nature and anyone else who is involved with the brand.

Awareness is derived from the Vedic saying which translates into, “Enlightened Wisdom is the Absolute God” and encourages all to live in constant awareness. From our focus on environmentalism and sustainability, to our commitment to our workforce, every aspect of our business is considered with complete awareness of all the other aspects too.

Inclusivity is derived from the Vedic saying which translates into, “One Becomes Many”. At Aranyani, each decision is merit-based and no distinctions are made on any other bases. The company is considered the sum of its parts, and no one part or person is more important than any other.