Inspired By Nature

The nature of Nature

Nature has immense abilities for creation, preservation and destruction. Interestingly, these are the precise portfolios of the members of the Indian Trinity of Gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva respectively. While there are atheists who refuse to believe in the existence of God(s), none can refute the omnipotence of Nature which has been carrying out these triune functions in never-ending cycles at different levels, right from the beginning of the material universe itself. 

Whether it is creating, sustaining or destroying, Nature is doing it for the same reason - harmony. Nature emphasizes harmony over everything else. Everything it does is for the overall good of everything and everyone concerned. It thus creates a positive impact at every touchpoint. 

Harmony over efficiency

Consider the mighty oak tree as an example. Oaks are keystone species in a wide range of habitats from Mediterranean semi-desert to subtropical rainforest. That means it has a disproportionately large impact on its natural environment relative to its abundance. One important reason for this is the acorn it produces. Though the primary role of an acorn is to create an oak tree, only one in ten thousand grows into a tree and that too, if conditions are favourable. That is a 0.01 percent efficiency. 

However, acorns play an important role in the forest ecology. Wildlife that consume acorns as an important part of their diets include insects (larvae of moths and weevils), birds (jays, pigeons, ducks and woodpeckers), small mammals (mice, squirrels and other rodents) and large mammals (pigs, bears, and deer). The Oak, representing Nature, is not being wasteful or expensive. We can probably say that it is being truly luxurious where its indulgence is benefitting an entire ecosystem. The Oak chooses harmony and all-round well-being over efficiency. That is probably why it has flourished for the past 35 million years or so. 

The tiny acorn plays a big role in the ecosystem. 

Harmony in chaos

On the face of it, Nature appears to be random, complex and chaotic. But there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity and self-organization in its every aspect. Edward Lorenz defined chaos as follows: 

“When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.” 

In other words, though the future is fully decided by initial conditions without any randomness, even the smallest of changes (which often get overlooked) leads to a different and unique unfolding or evolution of the future. That is what brings Nature its mind-boggling variety despite it being rigorous in its discipline and order. Thus, Nature becomes timeless. We see the ‘same’ sunrise and sunset, over and over again and yet, enjoy the same and no two of them are exactly the same. 

Aranyani - Inspired by Nature

Aranyani is a bag brand that strives to be ‘truly luxurious’ where indulgence is about patronising art and supporting a whole ecosystem of artisans and not about profiteering alone. It is the only luxury goods company in the world that owns and operates its own atelier and trains, educates, supports and houses all its artisans with their families. It pays professional wages, for, how can art be patronised if the artisan isn’t respected? 

The atelier itself is a complex and chaotic ecosystem dependent on the creative energies of its resident artisans. It might not be efficient from a corporate sense of profiteering and standardization but harnessing and redirecting the creative energies with an underlying order and discipline results in the creation of timeless pieces of art - the bespoke Aranyani bags. 

Aranyani is by nature, for nature and of nature.

Aranyani is the name of the vedic forest goddess. It is a name which is, by its very nature, inspired. Is it any surprise then that it is also a brand inspired by nature?